Opening Hours:
Daily 12:00 - 14:30 and 17:30 - 22:30

Advice: Be prepared to eat.
Do you like Indian food? Or perhaps you are more of a Chinese, Thai and Italian type of person? Now how about if you could get all of that and add a nice trendy area to sit so you could indulge your food for ONLY 15 pounds!? No my friend you don't need to die to go to heaven you can simply go to Kitchin! Kitchin is a gourmet restaurant perfect for all of the demands above.
Warning: Drinks are not included in this price.
Opinion: Simply amazing. I really like the area that the restaurant is located and the food that is served there is great. It's definitely a must go!
I added you blog in the blog I follow section of my blog, hope ypu don't mind I really like it!
is it 15 pounds for all you can eat? :o